Urban Future - Project development
By leveraging collective knowledge of the world’s top sustainable experts and city changers, the URBAN FUTURE Projects executes urban development with state-of-the-art technologies to help cities around the globe achieve a green, anti-fragile and sustainable future.
In addition to the development of the projects and infrastructures, it will also bring many cutting-edge technologies of sunrise industries to put roots in the region of the project, in order to strengthen the local economy and upgrade its industries to become more competitive for the future.
Urban Future Pilot Projects - The Instrument for Change

The URBAN FUTURE Projects works with the most ambitious cities around the world, and focus purely on making the better future real.
We incorporate knowledge, capital and technologies, and keeps the planning, financing and project development in one hand, so as to ensure that the UF pilot projects truly achieve their goals and potentials, and can set up new benchmarks for cities worldwide.
All Urban Future pilot projects aim to
- create positive environmental and social impacts
- use 100% renewable energy
- achieve a maximized resource efficiency
- employ the most advanced sustainability solutions and technologies
- optimize the natural, geographical, cultural and historical characteristics of the project city for a competitive city brand
- promote health, education, innovation and social cohesion
- create jobs and continuous fiscal income for the city
The URBAN FUTURE innovation cluster

The pilot projects will also benefit from our investment in the most promising technologies from the areas across health, green energy, resource efficiency, new material, urban development and life quality. Through the URBAN FUTURE innovation cluster, we will introduce and implement the newest technologies into the pilot project, as well as to promote local innovations.
The URBAN FUTURE innovation cluster includes –
- Platform for Smart City Services
- URBAN FUTURE Tech Cluster
- URBAN FUTURE Education Centre
- URBAN FUTURE Innovation & R&D Centre
- URBAN FUTURE Incubator & Finance Services
- URBAN FUTURE Fairs & Convention Centre
It connects the local economy to our global innovation network, and will help to further steer the local society into a resilient, prosper and sustainable future.